

Daniel Fiorito, citadin dans l’âme, puise son inspiration de l’atmosphère des villes et des rues; il nous les livre avec sa perspective, souvent déstabilisante, qui nous invites à plonger dans son oeuvre.  Véritable poésie urbaine, les peintures, fusains et gravures de Fiorito suggèrent des images presque sonores, on y sent les bruits, la tonalité des lieux, des quartiers, des maisons.

Parallèlement à sa recherche artistique, sa passion pour le dessin animé l’a amené à séjourner à l’étranger, où il s’est impliqué comme animateur et superviseur sur plusieurs séries animées.

Né à Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada.  Il vit et travaille à Montréal.


Daniel Fiorito is a city dweller at heart. He draws his inspiration from the atmosphere of cities and streets. He presents these streets to us through his perspective, often destabilizing, which in turn, invites us to dive into his work. As true urban poetry, Fiorito’s paintings, charcoals and engravings, suggest almost sonic images. We can feel the sounds and tones of his places, neighborhoods, and houses.

Alongside his artistic research, his passion for animation led him to spend many years abroad, where he was involved as animator and supervisor on several animated series.

Daniel was born in Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada.  He lives and works in Montréal.